We have genealogy data, family tree data on various families including Pettinger, Hessler, Alexander, Botchlet, Ecker, Downing, Lunsford, McCracken, Miller, Murphy, Reuter, Schrepel, Worlein.
We also have the popular scripts
DAVBlack and a popular
firewall HOWTO tutorial. These can all function as blacklist tools for blacklisting hackers, script kiddies or spammers. There is a
checker page which provides a CGI page and E-mail autoresponder for stock quotes. There are also some older configurations for sendmail behind a dynamic IP address. You can also access the famous spam cleaner which can obfuscate spam before you submit it to authorities.
You might find references to Snayperskaya Vintovka Dragunova or a more recent variant. There might even be information on the Scharfschutzengewehr Neunund-sechsig somewhere here.
Comments and guestbook
We also have a HOWTO and configuration page for Yet Another Movie Jukebox YAMJ located